Order of Proceedings A DOPTED BY THE CONGREjSSlONAL COMMISSION FOR THI ? OJ lI] í) t T' ü L -/ 7 FEBRU«4R Y 21, 78S5. The Ceremonies at tiie iiase oe the Moniment will OOHHWCI fkecisely at Eleven o'clock. The Ilon. John Siierman, a ItMHt from Ohio, Chairman of the Commission authorized by ihe Joint Resolution of May 13, 1884, will preside. 2. MVSJC. 3. FKAVEK ljy the Kev. Mr. SiT ri R. of Chrisl Church. Alexandria, Va. 4. REMARKS by W. W. Corcoran, Esq., the First Vice-I'resident of the Washington National Moiiument Society. 5. MASOMC CEREMONIES l>y the Orank LODOS of the !>¡strict of Columhia. 6. REMAKKS by Colonel T. L. Casey. the Engineer of the Joint Cummiss-iuii, delivering the Monument to the Frcsident of the Cnitetl States. 7. DEDIC'ATION OF TIIE Mf>NUME.\T to the Ñame and Memory of George Washington by the PREStnENI of the United States. s. jircsic. The procession will forlhwitli be formed, and will move to the Capítol by the following route: tlirou^h the Prcsidi-nt's s^uare to Sevcnteenth street, up Seventeenth street to I'ennsylvania avenue, thence alon£ I'ennsylvania avenue to the Capítol, where it will be reviewcd 1-y the i'resident of the Ciiíted States from a stand at the cast front. 9. AETER THE RlVUW TIIE l'ROCESSION Will. HE I>ISMIS»K1>. When the procession begins to move salutes of one hundred guns will be fiicd at the Navy Yard, the Artillery headquarter.s and Fort Myer. LlFUTENANT-GENKRAL I*. II. SIIKKIDAX, MaRSHAI. OF THI ÜAY, ivith t% Chief Sitiar, titt.f 0M .¡/\f front t-z-cry S:.¡: ■ 7Vrr//<;ry, tUt€. ¿Mtititctrt, &coH-. CONSISTING OK TIIK R E< ¡l'I.AR KMtCtl <>F THI ARMY AND N.WY. Chaktkrki) Militar y < ) roían izations, taXiinff ^MMrinMf ¿'y the tirites o/~ thctr t. /tt* rters, OTHER MlIJTARY ORCAM/.ATlnNS. %S I l £ *¿ t U i C *lT Z OC £ &3 I O » l. CoNrksii>knt of tiie United States. .Mr.MllEKS OF THI C.V1IINET. Preside.nt and Vice-Tresident EI.ECT OF TIIE L'níted States. Kx-I'RESIDENTS OF TIIE UNITED STATES. JUDGES OF THI SUPRKME Coi'RT AND OTIIER FEIJKRAL CoURTS. The Diplomatic Corps. governors of s'iates, and their respective staffs, tttking/MMlrfMKV ém tfir th* *r*ctioM af the JMSmMMMWMA Citizkns of States and Territories, ,trtisatt Jín^s or fMlACMMi eacS* Stttíe and Ttrritary ¿a/biftj? /rivi-í/í-nt í' ¿n the fmrifav o/~ Mtk tttimission inio t/t* 17h£oh. The Fire Di-:iiartment of THI Ijistrict of Columhia, andIn tho Evenin^-, from eij^ht to ninc o'clock, therc iil be cl dísplay of Fireworks near thc Monument. AT T1IK CAPITOL. The Capítol wfll be closed on the raoming of the 2ist to all except tlio members and ofticers of Congress. At eleven o'clock the east iloor lcading to the Rotunda will be opened to thosc to «hom invitations have been extended under the joint resolution of Congress, and to those holding tickets of admission to the floor of the House and its galleries. The floor of the House of Represcntatives will be opened for the admission of Senators and Represcntatives, and to those having invita- tions thereto, who will be conducted to the seats assigned to them. The Presiden t, the President-elect, the Vice-President-elect, and ex-Presidents of the United States and special guests will be seated in front of the Speaker. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court will oceupy seats next to the President and ex-Presidents and special guests, on the right of the Speaker. The Cabinet oflicers, and the Admira! of the Navy, the Lieutenant- Oeneral of the Army, and the ofticers of the Army and Navy who, by ñame, have received the thanks of Congress, will oceupy seats on the left of thc Speaker. The Chief Justice and Judges of the Court of Claims and the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia will oceupy seats directly in rear of the Supreme Court. The Diplomatic Corps will oecupy the front row of seats. Ex-Vice-Presidents, Senators, and ex-Senators will oceupy seats on the second, third, fourth, and fifth rows, on east sitie of main aisle. Representatives will oceupy seats on west side of main aisle and in rear of the Senators on east side. Commissioners of the District, Oovernors of States and Territories, general ofticers of the Society of the Cincimiati, the Washington National .Monument Society, members and ex-members of the Joint-Commission forI? the completion of the Monument, Kngineers of Moiniment and cletail of workmen, an > < ■ i ■ 1 .< •;' 11111 u I;' ■ i iu i <1 co CeüEMOINIES/' BASE»fiMONUMENT 'Vi . ^«.¡4l ¡I 'J 4J 1 í'< M ili ro co ro oo Ceremokies " lí a s i ° !VI u i> u ni i i> r 'i'»» .S«'.ijl 1 '1 It 1 í'4 "l ili co oo Ceremonies í'Base»fMonu»ient 'o Seal 011 Pial í'< uro