U.S.A.MAY CLAIM BRITISH ISLAND Daily Express Staff Reporter NEW YORK, Monday. AIR MINDED American Government officials are pondering a polite attempt to haul down the Union Jack on tropical Christmas Island, in the Pacific. Christmas Island has appeared red on maps since Sir William Wise- man, of the warship Caroline, hoisted the flag In 1888. It appears in the British Colonial Ofnce list. Valuable Now No one has ever troubled to challenge Britain's right to it, but now Pacific Islands are becoming valuable to America lor her trans- pacific air lines. State Department officials today siild that America docs not reco£- nise British sovercijtnty to the island. America last year " colonised f and "annexed" three neighbouring Islands which have always appeared as British possessions—Jarvls. Baker and Howland Islands. Christmas Island Is larger, and probably the richest coral island In the world. It lies 1,300 miles due south of Hawaii; has two British settlements.