No. 199 S U.S. Finances 807/ 3 /39 H BRITISH EMBASSY, WASHIISJTON, D. C., February 16th, 1939 My Lord, With reference to Sir Ronald Lindsay* a ic'despatch Ho. 1005 K of the 16th Hovetfber, I hare the honour to enclose herewith copies of a report "by the Financial Adviser to this Bnbassy on the financial situation in the United States sinee November last. 2. Copies of this despatch axe being sent V/* /A7''/*v/A^Y,dir#et to Sis Majesty's Treasury, the High w Commissioner for the United Kingdom in Canada, the Department of Overseas Trade, and to Mr. P. K. Defcenham, 2, Whitehall Gardens. I have the honour to he, with the highest respeet, My Lord, Your Lordship*8 most obedient, humble servant, (SGD) V. A« L. MALL3T H.M. Charge* d* Affaires. The Right Honourable The Viscount Halifax, K»G., Etc. , etc., etc. VALM:FRHM:JPS:TKB:DH