U.S. Finances 207/ Wi /39 5 BRITISH KMBA33T, WASHINGTON Ov C.» Mareti 83rd, 1939 So. 334 - 3 My Lord, With reference te paragraph T (c) of the Financial Adviser'a report enclosed with my despatch No. 199B of the 16th ultimo, X hare the honour to enclose herewith copies of a letter from the President to the Congress to the effect that it will not he necessary te increase the existing legal limit on the total amount of the public debt during the present session of Congress, hut recommending the abolition of the legal limit on the amount of the debt taking the form of Treasury bonds (as opposed to shorter dated obligations). There is not likely to be any serious opposition to this recommendation. Unless there is a complete reversal of the Administration* e budgetary policy, the limit on the total amount of the debt will no doubt be Increased next year. £• Gopies of this despatch and of the enclosure are being sent direct te lis Majesty's Treasury and to |K . the Department -of Overseas Trade. X have the honour to be, with the highest respect, My Lord, Tour Lordship*8 most obedient, humble servant, (300) ft, 0. LIHPSAT The Right Honourable The viscount Halifax, K.O., etc., ete., etc. PRHM:TKB:DH