207/ ?* /& 1^ Ho. 371* BRITISH WBASSY, USHINOTOH D*C March 29th 1939. Jo-) My Lord, With reference to my despatch Ko.261 of the 3rd Karen, I have the honour to enclose herewith for your information copies of an exchange of letters between the Chairman of the Basking and Currency Committee of the Senate and the Secretary of the Treasury regarding the monetary policy of the United States* There it nothing new or unexpected in Sr. Horgenthav1 s letter hut it 9eta out the considerations involved very fully and on orthodo^ lines and reaches the satisfactory conclusion that there is no acceptable alternative to the policy which the United States Government have been pursuing* Paragraph 4 of Section 8 on page 20 seems to imply that no early action is likely to control or restrict in any nay the inflow of foreign capital into this country* 8* Further evidence both for and against the continuance of the President's power to alter the gold value of the dollar, has been given before Committees, of the Senate and of the House of Representatives* Mr. Wallace and Dr.Feis in particular supporting extension of the power- and various economists and also Ite. Jefferson Coolldgg The Right Honourable late/ The Viscount Halifax, K.O.. RCLsHOC:FRgiji:KCB:MS etc., etc., etc* 3 lata Under Secretory of the treasury, opposing It. the question baa not yet Gome to the fleer of Congress* 3. Copies of this despatch and of fcjie enclosure are being seat direct to His Majesty1a Treasury/and the Department of Overseas Trade* m X have the honour to be, with the highest respect, My Lpra, Yousi? Lordship's nest obedient, humble servant, (309) H.C.UHDSaY.