Hull Denie&Move for Alliance With Brazil In Visits orMarshall and Goes Monteiro Epcclano The N WASHINGTON, May 12.-The of- ficial visit to Brazil of General George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff of the army, who Is on the way to Rio de J&nelro, was said by Secre- tary Hull today to be one of cour- tesy and not to presage a military alliance. Mr. Hull said this at a press conference and later con- firmed It formally In the following statement: "At the press conference' Tat the Department of State this morning | a correspondent said that the ln- j foresee has been made that-General ! Marshall's trip to Brazil indicates | that this government may be con- ¦ aiderlng a general military under- standing with Brazil for the defense of this hemisphere in the event of ,a world yar. sw Tobk Tims. "The correspondent asked whether the Secretary cared to comment on this. Secretary Hull said that Gen- eral Marshall's visit and the return visit of General Goes Monteiro (the Brazilian Chief of Staff) to this country are purely visits of cour- tesy. "The Secretary added that natur- ally, as in the case of exchanges of visits by high civilian officials and prominent business and profes- sional men of the American repub- lics, it Is hoped that this exchange of visits between the highest rank- ing military officials of our two nations will form another and a valuable channel for the develop- ment of mutual comprehension and understanding of our common prob- lems."