New Brazil welcome gen. g.c.marsha ,l Future Chief of Staff of U. S. Army Is Warmly Applauded by Rio de Janeiro Crowd WILL MAKE 10-DAY TOUR American Will Return With Genera! de Goes Monteiro, Brazil's Chief of Staff By FRANK M. GARCIA Special Cable So Tn N«w yosx Tons. RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, May 25.—Brig. Gen. George C. Marshall, Boon to become Chief of Staff of the United States Army, received a most cordial welcome on his ar- rival here this morning aboard the light cruiser Nashville to invite and take along: with him to the United States General Pedro Aurelio de Goes Montelro, Chief of Staff of the Brazilian Army. From the Nashville's flagstaff flew the flags of Brazil and the United States. The same two flags fluttered from each lamp-post along Avenlda Rio Branco and the Praca Maua, where thousands gathered to watch a two-mile military proces- sion. Is Impressed by Brazil General Marshall was geceted as he stepped from the Nashville by a representative of President Getulio Vargas, by United States Ambas- sador Jefferson Caffery. General de Goes Monteira and his staff, other high military and naval officers and Mayor Henrique Dodsworth of Rio de Janeiro. "Tour invitation to visit you Is accepted with appreciation of the profound sentiment of that friend- ship that urged it," General Mar- shall told General Goes Montelro. "It has been my greatest desire to know personally the army which produced that great Brazilian sol- dier, the Duke de Caxlas, and to visit all parts of Brazil's vast ter- ritory." He declared he wished the United States Army mission while In Bra- zil might gain the same affection ! from Brazilians that the people of the United States hold for Brazil. He spoke of Rio de Janeiro as beau- tiful and its bay as "one of the Creator's great masterpieces." . What attracted most attention In the welcoming procession was the spontaneous applause of the crowd as automobiles carrying the Ameri- can mission rolled past. A crack regiment of Brazilian Guards In white flannel trousers and blue coats In the Napoleonic style and marines in red coats and white trousers • lined the Avenlda Rio Branco and presented arms as the car carrying Generals Marshall and de Goes Montelro passed. General Marshall will spend ten days in a tour of Brazil's military establishments:" The Brazilian Army, only 62,000 men a year ago, now totals 80,000-men, with rein- forcements of 30,000 State troops under Federal control. York Time a ltoz_g&JL9?9. Embassy Dinner Guest [ After paying an official call on President Vargas, General Marshall was a guest of honor at a dinner to- night at the United States Em- bassy. Tomorrow he Is to see the coast I artillery center. Fort Sao Joao, the physical education military school and the poison gas, gas mask and projectile factories. In the evening I the Brazilian military authorities will give a reception for him. On Saturday he will fly to Sao Paulo to inspect the army barracks and then motor to Santos to visit Forts Itaipu and Mondula, return- ing to Sao Paulo In the evening for a.dinner given by the Federal Inter? ventor for that State and the mili- tary commander of the region. Sunday's Itinerary will Include a visit to the snake farm at Butantlo and an air trip to Curltyba to be the guost of State officials of Parana. Monday will be devoted to inspec- tion of army kitchens and truck factories and a flight to Porto Ale- gro, where, after inspection of the barracks on Tuesday, he will be en- tertained, by the Federal Intervene tor and military commander for Rio Grande do Sul. He will return here Wednesday and devote three days to visits to the Villa Militar, military and naval schools, arsenals and barracks. He will attend a reception given by General Allen Kimberly, head of the United States Army Coast Ar- tillery mission In Brazil, and a din- ner given by General Eurico Gasper Dutra, Brazilian War Minister. To Be Guest of Minns Geraes On June 3 General Marshall will be entertained by Mines Geraes au- thorities at Juiz de Fora. On his way back to this capital he will stop at Petropolls for a churrasco (Brazilian barbecue]. Major Leh- man Mitchell, United States mili- tary attache, will give a dinner for the visitors that evening. On June 5 and 6 the American "will Inspect Forts Duque de Cazias and Copacabana and the General Staff school here. They will be luncheon guests of Mayor Dods- i worth and will review the First In- fantry'Division at Campos dos Af- fonsos. I Foreign Minister Oswaldo Aran- ha, who is at present absent from the capital, is expected to entertain the visitor at Itamaraty Palace either June 5 or 6. It Is hoped he j will': find time to visit Bahla and Pcrnambuco, capitals Of Bahla and Parahyba, respectively, thus seeing eight of Brazil's States before bis departure. J There have been many rumors that General Marshall's visit to Brazil had ulterior motives. This morning the correspondent of Domei here [Japanese news agen- cy] asked: "Is It true that General Marshall's i visit here is for the purpose of con- cluding a military alliance with , Brazil?" I Several European countries have made vigorous efforts to induce I General de Goes Montelro to visit them. Even the presence here of Countess Clano, the former Edda Mussolini, is linked in popular be- lief with such invitations.- Last May _13;:J3eneral do Goes rMonteiro declared he expected to return to Brazil directly from the United States, but today the news- paper O Globo reported that the Chief of Staff would visit Europe. However, a War Department' spokesman declared nothing had yet been decided. General de Goes Montelro first gained prominence in 1930 when, as a captain, he backed Dr. Vargas's successful revolution and became a general. In 1932 he put down the Sao Paulo revolt against Presi- dent Vargas, constructing1 modern trenches and pillboxes and check- ing the Paullstas almost without bloodshed. His young son, an army flying of- ficer, was killed. Once a French military mission here referred to General de Goes Montelro as "a strategist." Last year he was invited to visit" Chancellor Adolf Hitler. Recently he has had similar Invitations from Italian and British military authorities.