17 H.E. The United states were represented on the Far Eastern Advisory Committee when it was set up in September, 1937, but the C* representative then stated that he was only qualified to act as an observer. Presumably i the United States are still represented on the Committee - otherwise the Foreign Office despatch would not have implied that the invitation has been addressed to the United States Government, If, however, the United States representative on the Committee is still regarded merely as an observer, the State Depart* ment may perhaps feel that they are not called upon to take any action in regard to the invitation* However, it will be quite easy to talk things over with Mr. and find out the State Depart- ment's views. Perhaps Mr. Mallet would be willing to do this one day v-cxysoon. June 15th, 1939. FRHM :NT ^(T 7 V Ho. 545* (P 5102A49AO). O FOREIGN OFFICE, 6th June, 1939, J *7/£7w. Sir, Your Excellency will have seen from my despatch No. 501 to Shanghai that the Resolution adopted by the Council of the League of Nations on the 27th May included an invitation to the Governments represented on the Council and on the Par East Advisory Committee ttto inform themselves "as fully as possible as to cases of bombing by Japanese "aircraft of civilian populations in China and to furnish "without delay to the Council information so obtained"* X shall be glad if you will enquire of the United States Government as to their reaction to this Invitation* You may at your discretion inform them of the attitude of His Majesty's Governivient as set forth in ny despatch to Shanghai referred to above* 3* I am sending copies of this despatch to His Majesty's Ambassador at Shanghai, Tokyo and Paris* I am, with great truth and respect, Sir, Your Excellency's obedient Servant, (For the Secretary of State) His Excellency The Right Honourable Sir Ron.ald iindsay, G*C.I1.G., K.C.B., etc*, etc*, etc*, Washington*