/ml BRITISH EMBASSY, WASHINGTON, D. C. July 12th, 1939. Mo. 769 My Lord, I have the honour to transmit to Your Lordship the text of a speech made on July 6th at Cleveland by Hr« Herbert Hoover, the former President, when addressing the international convention of Christian Endeavour societies* that In order to minimise the horrors of modern warfare all nations should subscribe to an agreement that - (1) Vessels laden solely with food •applies should be placed upon the same basis of immunity as hospital ships* They should go freely* Blockade should sat apply to them. There Should be no attack upon their passage by either warships or submarines. elvll populations and no bombing anywhere except la too field of actual fighting men on land or sea and at works devoted strictly to munitions. war to any blockaded nation may bo in full cargoes under the management and Jurisdiction of a commission of the neutral nations* 8* Xou will note that Mr# Hoover suggested (2) There should b& no bombings of (5) The shipmont of food supplies in The Right Honourable The Viscount Halifax, K. G., VALM:PRHM:CL etc.. etc., etc. (4) Heutral observers should be continuously in session to determine the facta ot any killing of civilians from the air* 3. Hr« Hoover's proposals have not, as yet, attracted much attention, I have ths honour to bo, With, the highest respect, Vf Lord, Tour Lordship's most obedient, humble servant, (For the Ambassador) (S02# V. A« L% UALLCT