n DEPARTMENT OP STATE FOR THE PRESS July 21, 1939 No. 301 TEXT OF LETTER FROM THE HONORABLE CORDELL HULL, SECRETARY OF STATE, TO THE HONORABLE KEY PITTMAN, CHAIRMAN OF THE SENATE FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE WITH REGARD TO RESOLU- TION NO* 166 INTRODUCED BY SENATOR VANDENBERG. July 21, 1939 The Honorable WM Key Pittman, Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relatione, United States Senate. My dear Senator Pittman: I am in receipt of your letter of July 20, 1939 re- questing an expression of my views regarding S. Res. 166, introduced by Senator Vandenberg, stating that it is the sense of the Senate that the Government of the United States (1) should give Japan the six months' notice provided for in the treaty of 1911 for its termination and (2) should ask that the Conference of Brussels of 1937 be reassembled. Notwithstanding the authority which is vested in the Executive in regard to the matters mentioned in the resolu- tion, I am glad to say that the Executive is always pleased to have advice from the Senate and to give such advice full and careful consideration consonant with the great weight to which the opinions of the Senate are entitled. Such consider- ation will, therefore, be given to the opinion of the Senate as set forth in the resolution under reference, in the event of its passage. Sincerely yours, CORDELL HULL