MINUTE SHEET. Hia Excellency The Protocol Department of the S. D. telephoned this morning on Mr* Summerlin's Instructions to say that they understood that Lord and Lady Baldwin would be arriving In this country about August 10th and that the President would be very glad to receive them either in Washington or at Hyde Park. Incidentally the President is by way of leaving Washington today or tomorrow and it is not known for how long he will be staying at Hyde Park. There have been various rumours in the papers thai; Lord and Lady Baldwin were likely to visit this country soon and an P. 0. telegram the other day mentioned the fact that Lord Baldwin had declined an invitation to speak in New York early in September. We have however had no official word from the P. 0. at all. The S. D. information came, I gathered^ from Mr. Kennedy. We obviously ought to know the real position and I thene'rore attach a letter to the P. 0. which can go by/^ost. July 20th, 1939. [OVER.