V6thCONGRESS £ |)pn 4 U>8_ 5#KElO. lob IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 18,1939 Mr. Vaxdexberg submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION 1 Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that the 2 Government of the United States should give Japan the 3 six months' notice required by the treaty of 1911 for its 4 abrogation so that the Government of the United States may 5 be free to deal with Japan in the formulation of a new 6 treaty and in the protection of American interests as new 7 necessities may require; and be it further 8 Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that the 9 Government of the United States should ask that the Con- 10 ference of Brussels of 1937, now in recess, should be reas- 11 sembled to determine, pursuant to the express provisions of 12 the Nine-Power Treaty of Washington of 1922, whether 13 Japan has been and is violating said treaty and to recom- 14 mend the appropriate course to be pursued by the signatories. 76th CONGRESS C DEC ICC IstSessiok |J« IVlLO* lOO RESOLUTION Favoring the notification of Japan of the in- tention of the United States to abrogate the treaty of 1911. By Mr. Vandenbebo July 18,1989 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations