110.1045 ^iyi y WASHINGTON D.C« ^ septembo* 12th 1609* y^I have the honour to transmit to Your Lordship herewith a copy of the latest edition of the pamphlet "International Traffie in Arms - laws and regulations administered by the Secretary of stato governing the international traffic in arms ammunition and implements of war and other munitions of war*. 2* The *'general regulations'* are to bo found in part III* They lay down inter alia that "forging*, castings and machined bodies for any of the arms, ammunition or implements of war enumerated in the President9« proclamation of lay 1st 1937 which have reached eueh a stage In manufacture that they are clearly Identifiable as Xorgings, castings or machined bodies for arms, ammunition and implements of war, are considered as constituting arms, ammunition and implements of war for the purpose of section 5 of uhe joint resolution*" 9* X also enolose copies of s supplement «• partIX - explaining the special provisions which Id virtue of the Embargo Proclamation of September 5th - soo my despatch lfo.1024 of September 8th aro to bo observed in rogard to? the export of arms, eta* to franco, Germany, Poland, the United Kingdom, India, Australia and Now Zealand* The Right Honourable The Viscount Halifax K.G., FRHM:MS .to., .to., *tc. -mt. \ iisjqex Copies/ -a- Copies of supplements X and XX* ©xtetidi'Dg theft* Special provisions te South Africa and Canada are also enclosed. I have the honour to be, with the higJaest respect. My kord, Your Lordships most obedient, humble servant,