m BRITI8H MBASSYi WASHINGTON, B.C., September 26th, 1939. No. XXOl* f<+ ttjtl My Lord, With reference to Mr. Adam's telegram SO* 62 of the 85th September to Tour Lordship, X have the honour to transmit herewith copies of the text (as released by too State Department) of the address delivered by the Under secretary of State, Mr* Sumner Welles, to the Pan-American Conference at Panama on the 80th September* 2. Mr* Welles outlined his conception of the problems which now confronted the American Republics and, recalling "the havoc which was occasioned to our inter-American Seonomle System after the war broke out In 1914"f stated, with the authority of the United States Government, that (a) United States - Latin American shipping services would be maintained and, indeed, strengthened and inoreasod where this were found desirable and feasible; (b) financial assistance and cooperation might be developed to tide over short emergency periods and to develop in individual countries now fields of production to replace thos temporarily depressed; (o) when desired the United States Government would assist la making credit avail* able to other American republics either through the pri- vate banking system or through Government agencies when Jl *ne lattcr nad funds available for such purposes; (d) £./Sn financing currant matters, it waa expeoted that only EM :NT short-/ The Bight Honourable The Viscount Halifax, K.o., etc etc etc. short-term credits would toe requested* but that In the purchase of veil and mill equipment, heavy goods etc., longer term credits appropriate to the circumstances would be required and that if war conditions shifted "certain international trade markets"i this would also need to be taken into account] (e) the United States Government recognised that excessive or unwarranted fluctuating in inter* American exchanges would seriously prejudice beneficial trade between the American republics* 8* Mr. Sumner Welles expressed the belief that "to the extent that we sustain bases of commercial policy that are universal in character, and have trade open to all countries on substantially the same terms*, and to the extent that our commerce is not dletated by special agreements of an exclusive character" the American Republics could ensure that their political Independence could not "be subjugated to alien political systems operating through commercial channels". 4. These were the immediate problems: but beyond them there were others, deeper and more fundamental, proceeding from the faet that "various powerful countries in other parts of the world have new completely converted their own systems of trade and production to another begi? - making it an in- strument of political and idealogical ambition". There followed the passage quoted by Mr* Adam in his telegram No* 62 of the 85th September to Your Lordship, suggesting a deolaratioa that "belligerent activities in close "proximity to the shores of the/ fob "the new world" should not bo permitted. 5* The Under secretary of State thou spoke of the present war la general terns* He said It was certain that the vast mass of the common people everywhere "have wanted above all else to prevent the war which has now broken out": that "In modern civilisation every country has a natural*right that war shall not be loossd upon humanity"'but that this right, embodied in the Pact of Paris was being flagrantly violated* "There is", said Mr. Welles, "no moral justification for any nation to loose war upon humanity when the resort to peaceful pro- cedure for the solution of controversies or inequities is available". 6* Mr. Welles concluded with the belief that mankind's overwhelming will "for peace based on a renunciation of force* on justice and on equality" might find its expression in the western hemisphere* For that reason, they must resolutely defend their continent from all menace of aggression, direct or indirect. 7. I am sending a oopy of this despatch to His Majesty's Minister at Panama. I have the honour to be. with the highest respect. My Lord. Your Lordship*s most obedient, humble servant. (SOD) wmum