~ The German note read as follows: . "Neutral merchant ships have re- peatedly attempted "in the waters around France and England to I evade the exercise of the right of | German naval forces, granted by.1 international law, of stoppage and | search. Besides, they have repeat-t edly aroused suspicion of attack or unneutral acts, by Improper be- havior. "The government of the Reich therefore begs to call the attention of American merchant vessels traveling Into the waters mentioned to the fact that. In their own Inter- est, and in order to prevent confu- sion with naval or auxiliary ships of the enemy, especially at night, they should avoid any suspicious behavior, particularly change of course and use of the radio appara- tus upon sighting German naval forces, zig-zagging, screening lights, falling to obey a demand to stop, and the acceptance of convoy by ! naval forces of the powers at war jwith Germany/y