BRITISH KKBASSY, WASiilNOlOH D#C. October 12th 1939. My Lord, With reference to «y telegram No* Ml of October Sth, I have the honour to inform you that dorlog a conversation to-day with tho Counsellor of this Sttbassy, Kr* Beffat raforred to tho enquiry which I mado of the Secretary of State regarding tho willingness of tho United States Oovovsment* in tho peaslble event of a rupture of diplomatie relations betvaen Hie *ajestyfa Government and tho Soviet Government, to undertake the representation of British intereats in ttoaoew* S. 3»* Koffat Informed Hr« Mallet that tho United states Government wae -quite willing, provided tho Soviet Government would give ite assent, to take over British interests in tho Soviet Union In the event of a rupture of diplomat ie relations between Great Britain and the Soviet Union* lie stated, however, that it was possible that the Soviet Government would not agree to the interests of one government in the soviet Ccioa fcotug represented by another gowornaent. On several occasions la the past when tho American Entoassy in Voeeoa had made enquiries of tho Commissariat for foreign Affairs regarding the welfare of eltizona of countries whioh had no diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union (for instance Holland)» it had been informed categorloally The Sight Honourable that/ The Vlscoftnt Halifax, K*0», that the Soviet Government was unwillirtg to discuss with the Embassy natters oomrerning the protection of citizens or interests of a third country* Mr. Moffat also pointed out that even if the Soviet Government should in principle assent to the representation by the United States Government of British interests in the Soviet Union, conditions in that country were aueh that the Batessy would be seriously handicapped in its effort to protect such interests* The United States Embassy at Moscow at the present time found it extremely difficult effectively to protect American citizens and interests in the Soviet Union* and it seemed likely that it would encounter even greater difficulties in representing the interests of another country* I have the honour to be, with the highest respect, My Lord, Tour Lordship's most obedient, humble servant, (ROD) LOTHIAN.