LONDON, 24th October, 1939. DBCRES OF THS FiD-SRAL COUNCIL concerning the sequestration and the measures for enforced execution in connection with property belonging to debtors established abroad-_ The Swiss Federal Council having regard to the Article 3 of the Federal Decree of the 30th August 1939 on the necessary measures to assure the security of the country and the maintenance of its neutrality decrees: Article 1: During the validity of the present decree no sequestration will be authorised under Article 271, numbers 1 and 4, of the law on the taking of preceedings for debts and bankruptcy unless the creditor has his domicile in Switzerland and has not acquired his creditor title in order to evade the dispositions of the sai^ decree. If a sequestration is authorise^ contrary to the disposition of the preceding paragraph, the debtor may, within the ten days of the receipt of the statement of claim, refer the judgment to the Chamber of prosecutions and bankruptcies of the Federal ^riVmal, The appeal must be admitted in duplicate to the Federal Tribunal. Articles 183, second paragraph 184, 186,187 2£L and 224 of the law on the Federal judicial organisation are applicable by analogy. The regulations of the agreements are reserved. Article 2: During the validity of the present decree, the sequestration of property belonging to a foreign State may only be effected with the consent of the Federal Council. Measures for forced execution provided for by Federal and Cantonal/ Cantonal law will also not be taken regarding such property unless with the consent of the Federal Council, The Federal Council will give its judgment on the advice of the political department* Measures contrary to the dispositions of the preceding paragraph will be void and must be officially cancelled by the competent authorities^ The present regulation is equally applicable to all proceedings in progress at the moment. Article 3: The present decree comes into force on the 24th October 1939. I