& lUrS (ht ' DEPARTMENT OF STATE November 4, 1939 WASHINGTON Your Excellency's note of October 28 refers to my communication addressed to Your Excellency under date of September 1 wherein the United States Govern- ment expressed its willingness to undertake the pro- v tection of persons, property and interests for whose protection the British Ambassador in Germany and the consular officers under his superintendence are normally responsible* Your Excellency's note under acknowledgment expresses the hope that the United States Government would also be good enough to take charge of similar British interests in that part of Poland occupied by the German forces and also in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and in Slovakia, all of which territories you state are regarded by the British Government as being in enemy occupation. In His Excellency The Right Honorable The Marquess of Lothian, C.H British Ambassador* 7 - 3 - In replyn I have the honor to state that the United States Government will gladly agree to take charge of similar British interests in that part of Poland occupied by the German forces and also in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. However, the United States Government is not in a position to take charge of British interests in Slovakia. Instructions have been telegraphed to the American Charge d'Affaires in Berlin, and through him to American consular officers in that part of Poland occupied by the German forces and in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, authorizing them to act accordingly. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my 704.41600/7