Bo*471. S / si*# As you will recollect, on September 10th X had the honour to Inform you that Hie Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, while they would be compelled to use their belligerent rights to tfe» full, Intended to use their beet endeavours to facilitate innocent neutral trade so far as was consonant With their determination to prevent contra- band goods reaching the enemy* in order to secure their object Kis Majesty's Government bad established contraband control bases at Weymouth, Ramagato, Kirkwall, Gibraltar and Haifa* Vessels bound for enemy territory or neutral ports affording convenient means of access thereto were urgently advised to sffi call voluntarily at .the approjr late base in order that their papers might be examined and that when it had been established that they were not carrying contraband of war they might be given a pass to facilitate the remainder of their voyage. It was explained that any vessels which did not call voluntarily Would be liable to be diverted to a contraband control base if an adequate search by Hie Majesty's ships at sea was not practicable* the United. Kingdom has now been called to certain provisions of the joint resolution approved on November 4th - the Neutrality Act of 1939 - and of the The attention of Hie Majesty's Government i* The Honourable proclamation/ Cordell Hall. HOC: L/JGP: FRBH:MS Secretary of State of the" United Washington, D*C* yawelamatlon Issued by the President on the same day under section 3 of the Act, defining "eowbat areas". T7nder section B, subsections (a) find (ft) of the Act it is unlawful for any Aperlean vessels to carry any passengers or any articles or any materials to any port in a belligerent country other than those situated within the areas defined in subsection (g)? Under section 3 of the Act It is also unlawful for any American vessel to proceed into or through any "combat area"* These "combat areas" have now been declared by the President1s proclamation of November 4th to include all the navigable waters within the following limitationss- "Beginning at the intersection of the North Coast of Spain with the meridian of 2° 45* longitude west of Greenwich; Thence due north to s point in 43° 54* north latitude; Thence by rhumb line to a poitt in 45c00' north latitude; SO0 00! west longitude; Thence due north to 53° 001 north latitude; Thence by a rhumb line to latitude 62° north, longitude 20 east; Thence by rhumb line to latitude 60° nerth, longitude 5° east; Thence daw east to the mainland of Norway; 2?henoe along the coastline of Worway, Sweden, the Baltic Sea and dependent waters thereof, Germany, [Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Spain to the point of beginning." Hie &ajesty8 Government in the United Kingdom appreciate that the effect of the foregoing provisions is to make it unlawful under American law for any American vessel to call at any port in the Salted Kingdora or at aay port in a belligerent country in the Mediterr* anean- I am, however, instructed by His Majesty's Principal/ /a 1$ ;»«o«ip«i Uwttir of dtjkW f