Journal of Commerce, Nov. 8, 1939 Regulations Are Outlined For Ships Under Neutrality Following regulations are contained in 3 pamphlet of the Com- merce Department's Bureau* of Marine Inspection and Navigation interpreting the shipping provisions of the Neutrality Act and its relationship to shipments of merchandise to combat and neutral areas that was used by local customs officials in prescribing rules for^exponr shipments: ©---5 TITLE 46-9H1PPING CHAPTER I—Bureau of Marino Inspection and Navigation.' Sub* chapter A—Documentation. En- trance and Clearance of Vessels, etc. Part V. FOREIGN CLEAR- ANCES is amended by the addition of ten new. sections numbered 5.80 to 5.89 inclusive, to read as follows: 5.S0 "VESSEL STATEMENT. No clearance shall be granted to any vessel (watercraft or aircraft) which Is required by subsection (1) of section 2 of the Neutrality Act of 1939 to file a sworn state- ment with a collector of customs, until a Vessel Statement (Com- merce Form 1374 A) sworn to by the master of the said vessel has been filed with the collector of customs at or nearest to the port or place of departure of such vessel. 5.81 VESSELS REQUIRED TO File Vessel Statement. The follow- lng vessels (watercraft or aircraft) arc required by subsection. O) of section 2 of the Neutrality Act of 1939 to file the sworn statement: (a) Every American vessel (other than aircraft) transporting mall, passengers, or any articles or ma- terials to any port of a belligerent state located in any of the follow- ing areas: (1) In the Western Hemisphere south of thirty-five degrees north latitude. (2) In the Western Hemisphere north of thirty-five degrees north latitude and west of sixty-six de- grees west longitude. (3) On the Pacific or Indian Oceans, Including the China Sen, the Teaman Sea, the Bay of Ben- gal, and the Arabian Sea and any other dependent waters of either of such oceans, seas, or bays. (4) On the Atlantic Ocean or Its dependent waters south of thirty degrees north latitude. (b) Every American aircraft transporting mall, passengers, or any articles or materials to any port of a belligerent State located in any of the following areas: (1) In the Western Hemisphere. (2) On the Pacific or Indian oceans. Including the China Sea, the Tasman Sea, the Bay of Ben- gal and the Arabian Sea, and any other dependent waters of either of such oceans, seas, or bays. (c) Every vessel (watercraft or aircraft) of a neutral foreign State transporting any articles or mate- rials other than arms, ammunition, or implements of war to any port of a belligerent State located In any of the areas listed in subsec- tion (a) of this section, so long as such port Is not Included within a combat area. 5.S2 AMERICAN VESSELS DE- NIED CLEARANCE TO BELLIG- ERENT STATES. No clearance shall be granted to any American vessel (watercraft or aircraft) car- rying passengers or any articles or materials to any belligerent State, with tho following exceptions: (a) Where such American vessel (other than aircraft) proceeds on lakes, rivers and Inland waters bor- dering on the United States. (c) Where such American vessel (other than aircraft) carrying mall, passengers or any articles or ma- terials (except arms, ammunition, or Implements of war, unless such arms, ammunition, or Implements of war are to be used exclusively by American vessels (watercraft or aircraft) or other ^American vehl-s cles In connection with their oper- ation and maintenance) Is bound to any port of a belligerent State which Is located within any of the . areas mentioned mw'G^F. R. 6.81 (a), except to such a port which is Included within a combat area. (d) Whew'sucS' American air- craft carrying mail, passengers; or any articles or materials (except arms, ammunition; or implements of war, unless such arms, ammuni- tion, or Implements of war are to be used exclusively by American vessels (watercraft or aircraft) or other American vehicles In connec- tion with 'their operation and main- tenance) Is bound to any iport of a belligerent State which is located within any of the areas mentioned in 46 C F. R. 5.81 (b), except to such a port which is Included with- in a combat area. Je) Whore such American vessel (watercraft or aircraft) is under charter or other direction and'con- trol of the Ameican Red Cross, and while carrying officers and Ameri- can Red Cross personnel.' medical personnel, and medical supplies, food, and clothing for the relief of human suffering, proceeds under safe conduct granted by belligerent States. S.85 DECLARATION AS TO RIGHT, TITLE. AND INTEREST IN ARTICLES OR MATERIALS. No clearance shall be granted to any vessel (watercraft or aircraft) bound for a port in a belligerent State until all of the declarations required by section 2 (c) of tho Neutrality Act of 1939 have been filed with the collector. With the following exceptions: (a) Any American vessel (water- craft or aircraft) referred to in 46 C. F. R. 5.82 (a), '(b), (c), or (d). when transporting only articles and materials other than arms, ammu- nition, or Implements of war, (un- less such arms, ammunition, or im- plements of war are to be used ex- clusively by American vessels (wa- tercraft or aircraft), or other American vehicles In connection with their operation and mainte- nance).