British Interests in Germany 1437/ /39 SRXVXSH Hi Bo*806. Sf©*embe? 24th 1939. SSff // X he*e tte honour, under laetructioaa ftfosi His Majeaty*a Z&lmlml Secretary of dtlH for Foreign Affairs, to infora you that in bio final report on the cireuEstaoeee leading to tho termination of Mo sties ion to Berlin published as Command Paper $e*dll5» of wbieh o copy i» enclosed herein for convenience of reference, 81* Hevllo Hendoreon expressed wars appreciation of tho great eyapathy and willing aaelataoee rahioh ho and tho wmbere of hie staff reeeived from tho United Stetee Bwfcsffiay la Berlin In connexion with tho winding up of the affaire of Ed Majesty1 o Erabaeay their departure from Sermany. tfttlted Statee QevernRent on behalf of Hie Majeety's Government in tho Waited Kitagdora, and aleo of Sir Uevile leaderaea pereonelly, their deep appreciation of Bp* KirhPe loyal ana helpful attitude on thia ooceelea* X am do* instructed to convey to tho The Honourable L:CB:MS 2 toeve the honour to be, with tho highest consideration sir. Your most obedient, humble servant, twsi umam Cordon Hall, Secretary of Stat* of tho Waited states*