German American Bund 1797/ I 3 I Chip BRITISH EMBASSY, WASHINGTON, D. C. December 14th, 1999. Ho« 1420 My Lord, With reference to paragraph 3 of ray despatch So* 1195 of the 9th October, I have the honour to transmit to Your Lordship herewith a copy of a memo* random drawn op by His Majesty's Consulate General at Sew York describing the trial of Frits Kuhn, "FuehrerM of the Gorman-Amer ic an Bund, on charges °* larceny and forgery* Since the memorandum was written Kuhn has been awarded a sentence of 2$ to 5 years imprisonment* lie Is now in Sing Sing. 8* The Bund represent their erstwhile leader as a martyr, the ""first American prisoner of war", as their paper puts it. In spite of this it is fairly safe to predict that the career of this particular "Fuehrer" Is finished and that we shall not hear any more about him* The Nazis themselves seem to realize that the Bund is thoroughly discredited and to be turning their attention to more subtle means of pro- paganda and subversion* The German Consul-Goneral in San Francisco, Captain Wiedemann, for instance has on a recent occasion openly expressed his disapproval of the Bund and has advised Germans la the United States to stay clear of it • Of course it is always possible that It may be their intention to appear to repudiate the Bund simply in order to withdraw its activities from an unwelcome limelight* The Right Honourable L:AR:CL The Viscount Halifax, K. 0. etc*, etc#, ete«