7 i » Bo. 1413 WmSH EMBASSY^ WASHIHGTOX, D» C* December 14th, 1959* My Lord, I have the honour to transmit to Too* fcordahip herewith an extract from the Washington Simos Herald of the 3rd December containing an interesting account of an interview with the German Charge* dfAffaires, in which he predicted that Russia would "raove down the Continent through Houmanla" and would aim at "full control of the Bosphorua"» The Inter viewer, ftra« KelenEsaary, is a" loeal journalist who generally dewotes her daily column to leas serious subjects and has no special repu- tation for trustworthineas as a reporter* But from what she has subsequently said in private conversation I believe that on this occasion her account can bo regarded as accurate.* It would seem that Dr • Thomson knew perfectly well that his remarks would be pub- lishad* although X understand that when the Turkish Ambassador telephoned to the German Embassy to ask what was the significance of Mrs.Essary's report, was hV assured that it was quite inaccurate and that Dr • Thomson's remarks had in any case not been intended for publication* 2. The German Embassy have also drawn un- favourable attention, to themselves in connexion with a dispute between their assistant Air Attache* and on Irate local citizen who objected to the manner in Whloh/ The Right Honourable The Viscount Halifax, K. * etc., etc., etc. which the Atfcaobg had parked his cer# In hi a back garden* Instead of keeping the Incident as quiet ae possible the Embassy called la tbs police and leaned the statement that "we do not consider the affair a personal controversy hat rather an issue between two governments'1 • X have not heard what the attitude of the State ^Department has been in regard to this latter contention. In any case the episode has involved the Oar nan 3mbaasy in a good deal of unenviable publieity* 3« A copy of this dss^>atohelll be sent to the British Library of Informtlon at Hew York* I have the honour to be, With the highest respect. My Lord, Tour Lordship's most obedient* humble servant, (80D9 MEHIAN