¦ ' BRITISH BMBA33T. wA8HIX0T0», D* C., December 18th, lWw Ho. 1408 E My Lord, Z have the honour to transmit herewith copies of a State Department press release giving the text of the Final. Act of the first meeting of the Finance Ministers of the American Republics which was held at Guatemala from the 14th to the 21st November* in accordance with Recommendation No* LXXV of the Pan- American Conference at Lima* 2* Apart from Resolution III, about customs nomenclature and procedure, which may perhaps lead to something concrete, the resolutions adopted at Guatemala seem to be strictly-platonic. 3. From a brief conversation between the Financial Counsellor of this Embassy and the head of the Latin-American Division in the State Department it appears that Resolution VIII was devised as a mode of escape from the South American enthusiasts who wanted to discuss a common monetary unit for the Americas wit ho it proper knowledge of the subject* The United States Treasury* it is understood, regard this resolution as meaningless and therefore as harmless* 4* I am sending copies j>fthls despatch to His Majesty's Minister at Guatemala and to the Department of Overseas Trade*, I have the honour to be, with the highest respect, My Lord, Your Lordship' s most obedlen humble servant, (3AD) LOTHIAN The Right Honourable The Viscount Halifax, K.(J*, etc*, etc., etc* GHSP: PRHM: ACEM: DH HUM.