Ho. 1423 American Society for Br. Medical & Civilian nc 1749//J. /39 BRITISH EMBASSY, WASHINGTOH, D. C. December 16th. 1039 py Lord, I have the honour to Inform Your Lordship ^ that I duly forwarded to Mr* Winthrop Aldrloli^ tho grac$oua message froa She King contained in your telegram Ho* 857» 2* I have now received from Mr* Aldrlah a latter "*" / // of which a copy la enclosed herein, requesting that the profound appreciation of himself and the other members of the Board of the American Society for British Medical and Civilian Aid be convoyed to His Majesty for this message. I have the honour to bo, With the highest respect* My Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient, humble servant, (BOD) LtfSlIAV The Right Honourable The Viscount Halifax* K« G..» etc*, etc*, etc* L: FRHM :CL