4i A Member 19thf 1939 My dear Sr. 3ecr\ter'si I Have been greatly interested to learn that oa the 14th December Bear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, U.S.N, visited Pitcairn Island la tha "Sorth Star", flagship of the United States Antarctic Expedition and generously gave all possible help to the Islanders in the matter of food, medical attention and technical assistance. 1 feel certain that His Majesty* s Government when they learn of this visit will feel greatly obliged to the Government of the United States and to Admiral Byrd for their promptness in relieving the distress caused in Pitcairn Island as a result of the war. HI 7 The Honourable Gordell Hull, Secretary of State of the United States* Washington, D« C. L:ACEM:DH fry— r I should lilce to express to you, and through you to Admiral Byrd and the United States Antarctic Expedition, my own sincere appreciation of this humane action. Believe me, My dear. Mr. Secretary, Very sincerely yours, (3GD) LOTHIAN