.nALITY: U.S.: REGULATIONS. 319/1/40 So. 71 ili/"/*f BRITISH EMBASSY, WASHINGTON, D.C January 18th, 1940* : y Lord, I havo the honour to refer to ^sir Honald Lindsay's despatch :o. G47 of the 51st ay, 1994, transmitting copies of an Act of Congress approved by the President of the United states on the 24th :ay, 1934, which, inter alia, amended the law relating to the naturalisation of minor children. On the 2nd August, 1934, the Vnited States Department of Labor issued a General 'rder (flo. 211) containing an "administrative interpre- tation" of the Act of the 24th 'ay, 1934,sections (1) and (2) of the Order dealing with the oase of minor children. This General Order was printed in the pamphlet entitled "United States Naturalisation laws and Regulations" copies of which were transmitted in 'r. Pallet's despatch i\'o. 88 of the 24th January, 1939. 2. I have the honour to transmit _ to Your lordship herewith codes of a General Order C-16) issued by the Department of Tabor on the 15th November, 1939, amending section 2 (b) of General Order lio. 211 of the 2nd August, 1934. I have the honour to be, ith tho hi-hest respect, My Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient, humble Servant, p Right Honourable The Viscount Halifax, .G., :.) etc., etc., etc. CB:JCT:KIP