New York Times, February 2, 1940 Hook's Failure to Expunge Alleged Forgeries Fans Tilt Over Pelley and Dies MARCANTONIO FOR INQUIRY New Yorker Quotes Story Linking Whitley, Committee ^Counsel, to 'Conspiracy' Emphasizing that the Sun. and not he. had made the charges, he quoted the story as saying that Mr. Mayne told Rhea Whitley, counsel for the Dies Committee, that Mr. Hook Intended attacking Mr. Dies on the House floor. "If Mr. Whitley know this." he added, "I submit that counsel en- gaged in this conspiracy Just as much as Mr. Mayne." • As further quoted, the story stated The Sun had learned that represen- tatives of the Dies committee, with "false papers to be turned over," working with private detectives, "arranged a 'plant' in New York in which $4,000 was offered by a mag- azine editor." Although voicing Incredulity, Mr. Marcantonio said: "But this committee Is not a scared cow. Any members has the right to oppose it or to Investigate it. The New York Sun and the committee will have to thrash it out. The integrity of the House is at stake. An investigation should be made now. Otherwise, no member is safe In attempting to find out anything about any committee." Voorhls Absolves Committee Representative Voorhls of Calf- By HENRY N. DORRIS Sp«<:til to Tin Niw York Tout, WASHINGTON, Feb. 1-Thc con- fornia. as chairman of a Dies sub- trovorsy over the alleged forged committee named to find Mr. Pel- letters of William Dudley Pelley, l8V. sa'd he had authorized pay- Sllvor Shirt leader, which were put ,mant °f '°r Mr- Mavne to go to North Carolina to induce Mr. Pelley to testify about the Sil- ver Shirts. He said he did not know, and did not think any other member of the committee knew, of the alleged forged Pelley letters until they were made a part of the commit- In the Congressional Record by Representative Hook of Michigan, virtually displaced consideration of the Agriculture Supply Bill in the House today. *. Mr. Hook asked unanimous con- sent to expunge from the Record £J£ reMlmony,""which,"he" added, the letters, which allegedly sought did not show that any one had paid to establish collusion between Mr. money for the letters knowing they Pelley and Representative Dies, wore forgeries. chairman of the Committee to In- ^™ /^^^ ^'fo^i.^^e vestigate Un-American Activities, .aid. "but I say also that great care and were made public in an effort ghould be spent by any one, includ- to prevent the continuation of the ing the Dies Committee, when any Dies Committee. one's reputation is concerned." Representative Keefe of Wiscon- ,£Tesenla,tve. D?f"yril0f ,NfW \., . j . *. ,. Mexico, a member of the Dies Com- sin objected to Mr. Hook s request n,meei stated that ,hc Federa, Bu_ "as long as the gentleman has a ; r«nu of Investigation had estab- mental reservation" as to the au- . . ......... thentlcity of the letters, which was i hshod that the letters were written questioned by Ihe Dies Committee. < on Mr. Mayne's typewriter. The committee said it had estab- j Hp also that the notary be- fore whom the Mayne affidavit in lished that the letters were written by David Mayne, Washington rep- resentative of the Silver Shirt leader. Affidavit Test Awaited Mr. Hook's possession had been made had stated that he did not acknowledge it and did not know Mr. Mayne. Gardner Jackson, legislative rep- resentative of Labor's Non-Partlsan Mr. Hook replied that he had sent L*«K"«. asserted in a statement , . .v. n . # t... that the Dies Comm ttce. to im- the letter to the Department of Jus- h|§ ^ »dUtopted.. tico, and road a letter of acknow- Ino fac(s of h,8 te8l|mony yester- ledgcmcnt by Robert H. Jackson, day when he was hoard along with Attorney General, who promised to Harold Weisberg, who Mr. Mayne look Into the matter. Until such "w0™ had Paid htni *105 tov the time as ho had a report from the letters. in executive session attain today. department. Mr. Hook said, he tn8 committee heard Merwin K. would not accompany his request Hart, president of the New York for expunging the letters with a State Economic League, testify .„ »r_ nu» 'I18* he nad never heard of the statement of apologj to Mr. Die. Christian Front untl, aflrr.a meet- and the Dies Committee. ing of his counsel addressed by Mr. Mr. Hook insisted he had an af- Dles in New York. The alleged fldavlt from Mr Mayne that the iorReA peney letters had sought to letters word genuine, while the pies Bnow that Mr Hart nad knowledge Committee yesterday said it had an of tn0 Chrj9tlan Front. affidavit from Mr. Mayne that ho ---^| had prepared the letters and signed them with the name. "Pelly." pur- posely misspelling the name of the Silver Shirt leader. Mr. Hook said he wanted the Jus- tice Department to find out which of the affidavits was true. After several sharp exchanges be- tween Mr. Hook and Mr. Keefe. during which Representatives Ray- burn and Martin, the majority and minority leaders, took a hand, tho floor was given to Representative Marcantonio of New York. Marcantonlo Quotes "Plot" Story Mr. Marcantonio demanded that the House investigate the facts contained In a story published yes- terday by The New York Sun to the effect that the Dies Committee had hired private detectives to sell false papers to members of Con- gress who sought evidence about tho committee.