T«IffriBu: " SH1PM1NDER, WES DO, LONDON." . Any further communication on thin H ect should be add NMM to :— The Secretary, (addreaa a» opposite) Ministry ok Shipping, Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London, W.l. ;.:.W>71A0. let February 19U0. Sir, I an directed by the inister of shipping to refer to your letter, A,890i+/7729A5 of 6th January transmitting copy of Despatch ito.1380 of 6th I ecember from His -ajesty's preventative at V/ashin^ton, and to previous correspondence on the subject of the discriminatory effect of the United States neutrality Act, 1939, upon British shipping. In reply I am to enclose, for the information of Viscount Halifax, copy of a letter and enclosure received from the chamber of Shipping. I am to state that Sir John Gilmour is in agreement with the views expressed by His Majesty's -onbassador in his telegram of 7th December and subsequently by Sir Ashley oparks in telegram iio«82 of 23rd December and by Ir.Kees of the inistryfs Hew York Office in a letter of 28th 1 ccember to this Department, copy of which is enclosed herewith. It is accordingly proposed to inform the Chamber of Lihip_>ing that the Minister is at.vised that it would not be desirable for The Under-Secretary of iJtate, Foreign Office, /British British interests to press for amendment of the Aot« He considers, however, that the position as regards affidavits raised in the final paragraph of the Chamber's letter and in the enclosure should be investigated and I am. to surest that provided Lord Halifax sees no objection, Lord Lothian should be asked to furnish a full report upon the present situation in general and in particul r, in collaboration with ir »shley tiparks, upon the points regarding the system of affidavits raised in the chamber's letter; and, if he considers that such action uight usefully be taken, to press the dtate Department to take action as suggested by the Chamber. At the same time His .'.ajesty's Ambassador might be asked for a fuller and clearer explanation of the amendment regarding the estoppel and transfer of title regulations of the Act which is referred to by air ^shlcy -parks in telegram Mast iio.82 of 23rd December as being the present objective of the American organisations interested in securing an alteration of the Act, and in particular to state what effect, if any, this proposal would have on the position of British as compared with mcrican and other neutral shipping in respect of the transfer of title provisions of the Act. • • * The Minister of Shipping would be glad to be kept informed of the progress from time to time of American opinion interested in securing amendment of the Act and of any proposals or suggestions in that connexion which may arise, I have the honour to he, Sir, Your obedient Servant, (Signed) T. Q. JENKINS*