Kew York Tirnea, February 2*3, 1940. DIES INQUIRY VOTES FOR OPEN HEARINGS' Rejects Chairman's Plea for Secret Sessions in Deference to National Campaign MOVIE COLONY UNDER FIRE Dempsey Heads Subcommittee for Survey of Mexico as Base for Alien Groups BiwrW to Tnr Nsw YotK Tims. WASHINGTON. Feb. 27-The Dies Committee to Investigate Un-Amer- ican Activities stated today that public hearings would continue. In- quiries will be started soon into al- leged Communist and Nazi activi- ties in the motion-picture Industry and into allegations that Mexico may be the base for operations by these groups in the United States. It was said. The committee, which has been in executive session for two days, re- ported that it had abandoned the proposal of its chairman. Repre- sentative Martin Dies of Texas, to conduct private hearings In order to avoid charges that Its disclosures might be of a political nature de- signed to affect the outcome of this year's campaigns. The committee said that its in- quiry into West Coast Communist and Nazi activities, particularly in the motion-picture industry, "will begin as soon as possible." Mr. Dies said that Representative John J. Dempsey of New Mexico had been named chairman of a sub- committee to Inquire into charges that Nazi and Communist agents were operating from Mexico. The committee voted also to con- tinue its Inquiry Into activities of the Christian Front and the Chris- tian Mobillzers. The committee said that it took under consideration the question of investigating foreign propaganda designed to involve the United States in the European war and 1 added: "It will announce at a later date its decision with respect to the scope of the inquiry along this line." The question of appointment of a new attorney, to take the place of Rhea Whitley, who resigned, was not reached by the committee. It continued other members of its staff, however. The committee's announcement of proceedings said that a motion by Representative Jerry Voorhls of California, to change "certain rules of procedure," was voted down. Mr. Voorhis was understood to have urged that "ordinary rules of evi- dence" govern the committee. The committee made no mention ; of It In Us press release, but It was I learned that a move was made to curtail the activities of J. B. Mat- thaws, chief investigator, and re- duce his rank to that of an inves- tigator. This motion was defeated by a 4-to-3 vote. * I. 0. 3. f\ ti jf- ..... ¦•