Jaly 12, l$hO of Sagload London In accordance with your Instructions in paragraph ono of your cable «o. *,*6/>K> and instructions froa mtish Oov«rn»eut receirud through oup :*eoretarles of St*to and Treasury wo havs opened dollar and gold aaooaato for and In mono of British OoTsrnaont« and have trans- ferrod thsroto at clone of business today dollar balanoss and gold froa accounts in nans of Bank of fegland dssignstso -ith corresponding lattor or nuaber, as follows* dollar accounts opoaod aro designated His Britannic Majesty's Oorenwient Currant Account ?, His Britannic Majesty's Ooreraaeat Current Account 0, and lie Sri tannic Majesty1; &nv#»rnaent special Account A, respectively, sad asjeonts transferred thereto are $8,909,765.12. $27,760,902.56. o*d $a,i«an.*. reapsotlrelyj gold account opened is designated • t - Kl« Britannic Majesty's Owmnt Ho. 3 idml and we have transferred thereto sold salt to contain 3,8^,927.632 ounces fiae gold. TWO Instructions to us fron British Oovcraaeat ara to accept on ita behalf last motion* of Bank of lowland oa all Batters reletin* to such accounts until notloe of cancellation. Va note your instructions In paragraphs tvo and three of your cable Bo. ^6/^0. We assure also that va are authorized to consider checks in fore hereto- fore used for drawing on dollar account A in naao of Bank of Sey^land as drawn on account designated His Britannic Majesty's Government Special Account A. IIease conflre this end at your convenience advise us whether it is desired to have different fori of checks printed to confora to present designation of account. federal Reserve Beak of Bev Tork Postal 25S Cable division