? - U Secrete July 9th, 1940. Dear Mr. President, I enclose herein a copy of a telegram containing a message for you from the Prime Minister regarding the appointment of the luke of v.indsor as Governor of the Bahamas. You will see from this telegram that the ?rime 11 Dieter was particularly anxious that you should have advance information of this appointment. Most unfortunately the telegram containing the Prime Minister's lottor reached this Kmbassy about midday in a corrupt form, and it was necessary to ask the i-'oreign Office for a repetition. Before this repetition was received another telegram was received from London stating that owing to/ The Honourable Franklin P. Roosevelt, PRIIM:MAB President of the United (:tates of /.merica, Washington, T>. C. f|Ml3EL>C to an unfortunate leakage it had been necessary to arrange for the appointment to be announced this evening by the British Broadcasting Company* I am afraid therefore that circumstances have made it impossible to £ive you the advance notice desired. Believe me, Dear !ir. President, Very sincerely yours, (80U) LOTHXAH