..ids: (Br.) In U.S. Banks. 572//? /40 BRITISH KLIBASSY, VASHIIOTON, D.C. No. 313. 8th July 1940. . Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge the ~*((% . receipt of your note (041.51/1580) of the 5th instant conveying to me the text of a note .arked "Secret" and dated June 20th, 1940, addressed to the American Ambassador in London by the Foreign. Office, on the subject of the transfer of the Bank of ffiBftllttl accounts at the Federal Reserve Bank, New York, into the name of His Britannic Majesty's Government. In reply I have the honour to state that the text of the Foreign Office note of June 20th, 1940, is in accordance with the instructions received by me from His ;.:ajetty's Government, and I ishall be grateful if you will communicate that note to the Federal reserve Bank, new York, with your confirma- tion that the instructions contained in it emanate from His Majesty's Government. I have the honour to be, with the highest consideration, Sir, Your most obedient, humble servant, (S£4U) MfttAft. rj?he Honourable Ccrdell Hull, GHSP:KIP Secretory of state of the United States, Washington, D.C.