Mr. Hoyer Millar^ • QMJv //l> July 22nd, 19UO Dear Mr. Acting Secretary, I duly informed the Foreign Office of the substance of our conversation on Saturday regarding the ixtfoe of ' indsor's journey, and I told them that you had been kind enough to say that you would try to arrange for tiie American Export liner which is due to leave Lisbon on August 1st to convey them and to be diverted to Bermuda. We have had a further telegram from the Foreign Office expressing their sincere thanks for the interest which you are showing in 'Jie matter and asking to be informed as soon as possible of the approximate cost of diverting the liner, If# therefore, you could give me early information on this point I should be most grateful. L:FHM:G Believe me, Dear Mr, Acting Secretary, Yours very sincerely, (SOD) LOTia/U The Honourable Sumner Welles, Acting Secretary of State of the United States. 4*