DEPARTMENT OF 8TATE WASHINGTON July 26. 1940 Excellency: By request of the Secretary of the Treasury, I have the honor to transmit a copy of a letter dated July 15, 1940, and enclosures, from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York relative to accounts which it has opened on its books in the name of the British Government. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. Acting Secretary of State Enclosures: Letter and enclosures from Federal Reserve Bank, July 15, 1940. His Excellency The Right Honorable The Marquess of Lothian, C.H., British Ambassador. •Mara! Riitm Bank of new York Jmly 15. 19*0 Mr iitf Nr. secretaryt til* *ece.l-)t is acknowledged of tfc« letter of the Acting Secretary of the 'A^umrjr da tod July 12, 19**), and ef lis mlenn, a photostatic copy of a it t tor 4atod ML/ 1?, 19*0. addressed to too treegory Pe-partaent by tho Secretary of State, relative to the opening and aaletalnlng of accounts at thle bank im tho nam of tho British eorernaent and transfcre thereto of tho dollar balances end gold froa accounts 1ft tho nnae of tho Bank of England. In eeeordanoo with tho Instructions of tho British OoTornaont ao sot forth in tho lot tor of tho Saerotary of St«to, and in eeeordanee with cable instructions oreriouely received from tho Bank of Inglaad in Ito cable Wo* 58'6/1>0, of Juno ?0, 19**0| opened accounts on our hook* for and In tho nana of tho British Oovernnent, and nade transfers to snob ac- counts, at tho close of business on July 11, 19**0, a« folloesi Wo open** a dollar account do sign'ton1 -"is 3rl tannic Majesty's Qovernaent Current Account f and credited 42,909,765*1* *u*re- to by trancfor fron the account deeignpted Bank of Bnglaad Account f, thle aaount being the balance in the latter account laejedlatoly prior to such transfers We opened a dollar account design ted His Britannic Majeoty't- Goveroaent Current Account G and credited 4?7,7fiO,90?.56 there- to by transfer fro* the account designated Bank of England Account », thle aaount being the balance in the latter account tanediately prior to each transfer: We opened a deJLlax account designated Hie Britannic • ajetty's Government Special Account A and credited *?l,l,tn',171.9g there- to by transfer from the account designated Bank of Bnglend Account A, this aaount being the balance in the latter account lsraediately prior to such transfer: and We opened a fold account l« to no *©. 5«6/>*0. Juno SO, 19'*0. (3) Oar Mllo U tho Bab It of "nglwid d«tod Mt 8, 19**0. Wo ohall o.ppro«i*to 1% If you viU twmemit t oo-ploo of this lottor and of 1 to oncToturoo to tho Soorofevjr of *toto with tho roouoot thot cor>ioo oo fumlohod to tho BritIon lownont. Koodoo tfaTly, fsf Alio* Soroul, Allan S«roul, »irot Tleo Trooidomt. HoKoroMo Ronry Korgonth**, Jr., Soerotory of tho *roooury, Veohiaffton. B. 0.