October 4, 1940. I am enclosing two copies of a telegram picked up In Japanese at the R.C.C.S. Monitoring Station at Rockcliffe, addressed to the "Press Information Officer, Tokyo", unsigned, from Rio de Janeiro. Copies have been given to the State Department. Yours sincerely, R. M. Macdonnell Secretary . K. Helm, Esq. Coordination Centre The British Embassy Washington, D.C. The following Is a translation of a telegram intercepted at the R.C.C.3. Monitoring Station, Kockcliffe, addressed to the nĀ°ress informstion Officer, Tokyo", unsigned, from Rio de Janeiro: "(17) 02100 on 4th, at the dinner party given by Aranha, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, to Uruguay's Foreign Minister who is now visiting Srazil, Mr. Aranhs declared that the newly con- tracted Anglo-American agreement not only fulfills the national defence of America Itself, but will strengthen their co-opera- tion in their trade among ^en-American countries in the Western Hemisphere, and that hs is well pleased with the agreement."