Abou (LU fu flu. Itia^) Jo~?<,/ii/< MM «mx mm otobor 14 tit, colonel Knox* Too s.ofce to o» last «m>: of tho laportanee «hlob tha • alta: totes ovarosant attachad «o work being otorted on the Homo reeently transferred to the United tttM so soon so gssstbls. i hare now consulted ny j i i Ill end I «n authorised to ate to that subject to tho consent of the local oorawn f they ara agreeable to tha oitofl tates starting wor* / •t any baao aa soon as tha alto baa boon MMjj »*on I betwee.t tha United tatoa OatwM> I tha Srttlsh | Oswsrreeent ana *» lose! authorities, it la clsar A ' that in a fluabsr of pianos a food dsal sore discusaioa •ill ba nsessaory bofora the proclao location can ba defined and serosa to. indeed it la certain that tha final ooavlaUoo of tha loaaoa carrot bo offoctad far eeweral aonthe at tha earliest. If only beeauae, aa X told Ml MB and MeMM Oreonslads, tha completion of tho lonaaa «auat ba effoetad In Konfton shore both tot dotallod infor atloa sns tho ultbssts authority la Mgord to tho 'colonico we alono concentrated. Bat siroedy it would appear to ba olaar that there Is «*nt in ?>evfouadland that tno *nn naval air station ahouM ba at 'jr&ratla near ~1 annual ¦ j there atonic ba a s ail naval baoc and eray barraeke at E| Ma Mat** Mt a eupyly and training baao ot uventls. ,j tha Honourable nsbJ—V The ¦•?cretary of lha S*vy» 0.0* /2 ij«i9 tiierofboe, to final r wiTlr wtion that la ai^mt on thTDC arm* and V> tho ittt-v t&toa li v ftr m yooeible. to uw local labour, there eon be begun at arv ttoe. In the eeee of MiuiOa It la clear that no work can be undartafcca until after Adalral oeweaelade'e farther wloit to the Colony, *»a*>ae set forth in ay letter of to«4ay*e elate. Xn 1Mb oaee elao, the IJ«*uuda t^trment attoehee the greatest ia^ortanee to the e^loyoant ee far ee poeelble of local labour. In the eeae of the Caribbean lo preliminary aervey eeerao to ohow that no inaupere&le difficulties in the way of esreaaent on the aitea >ced la likely to erlee ttattere of aetall to be eibjoet to final a^reenent9 it wvulrt n mr to be pBOBiblo for the nitod tetea to begin conetruction work in the fairly near future* alao on tia undcratanA* ing that m far aa poaaible it will « *>loy local labour, ttocre la eleo the -uoetion of tr* fom of laooc. Z think I o*sfct to any that 2 an pretty certain that the you *owod cm the other toy will net It in the onshore of It tm juite one-aided and would allow the united fcatee aovermaeixt to arret ee any kind of right in any port of aertanda provided it eould be brought under the toadl* of tailltcry eontrol or operations, and «Oa at the eole diaeratioo of the United tetea orgntr-nt. yaraanal/ poro-jnai opinion at an? vnte thin would girts, rim to an infinite ruixw of loenliatie dinput©o if not to litigation bctwn our two entries. 2 m •« the shorter at* attapler the 1mm can be aaAe the mm likely are thine© to so fcwMMteMly, tawing tie aeny minor detailed loeuee which are bound to arte* between two countrUe encatine to live aide by aide in tte mi ialand to bo loft to oomm eenee odjuvtoec* between th« reepeetlve author!t tee on the epot, with prowinion for aettlo.-imt by >ur t«> reelect !to neeretoriM of ntete whore difrioulUee orioe. 1 tope therefore it will be Mtleffectory to yw that wherever agMwMnt ie reaehod m to the el tea* your I vorswnt efeauld b« free to bests work without veltine *>r the fined leaMo to be completed* Me only roMrvetion X efeflild hern to oake la that Mara it should boeaie rxsnmtMFy to dleplaM private iatereote Mm ahould be nn^MUff within rMwoneble tiM Md if naeeeeery without waitinc for the eeapletlM of the leaaee. 1 2 aa fUrthar ins true ted by ay Ooeecn uent to etc that they hope it will be poealble for the , united totes .'jovomaent to allow SrltlM or * Union firm© of repute to tender for e:#*e of tha aortc eoncerned* Uhorc ere aaay flrae of iaternatioMl repute i euch m John roc toon, .eulinso oi*2 >there, who would bo papered to cooperate for building end wh'joa prioeo pnfl IwjNMM* ahip would probably eoopare wall with tha boot fixue in the anted totea of xaerlee*