\ 290? of November 2nd ID Viscount Halifax Mr. Butler* 5.55 p.m. November 2nd, 1940. 7,30 p.m. * 2nd, 1940. Decyphered November 6th, " SECRET Addressed to Governor of Jamaica telegram No. 630, repeated to " ashington telegram No.2907 and C. in C. America and West Indies. United states Bases. United states proposals have been considered by His Majesty's Government who haveno^jib^eetlTSn (a) to (ej inclusive. Asre£fij2d«--pIroposal relative to port^^tE£»^--Maecypherable/ Admiralty would wgjxQgwrT?5velopment of dockyard there on ons stated in your tele gram. £As regards Paliaadoes His Majesty's Government agree gene rail* but consider that there shouln be reciprocal right of use by military aircraft of airfields established by Hie Uajesty'o Government and the United tates Government in all colonies concerned within the limits of capacity of the airfield, the controlling authority to have the first /call/' on accomodation. As regaros the future procedure, position is that we are awaiting further information from the United tates Government as to the fonn of document necessary to satisfy Congress as to the United states title to the site. I will communicate with you further in due course on this point. 5r- I I