-1*3 p Hqau :(UJ fa ^ ^074///V/ ^ 33 98/ 22nd Move ber 1940. Dear Mr, Acting Secretary, You will see from the other letter ' which I am sending you today regarding the American bases In Bermuda and the Caribbean that the point regarding St. Lucia which you 2$*)&/*/*** raised In your letter of October 30th Is very lnrgely covered by that letter. As is made clear In the schedule annexed to my other letter, the British authorities entirely agree with the definition of the proposed seaplane base ns set out In your letter and equally agree that work ay be oegun In this area forthwith. It v?as however suggested In your letter that such land within this area as belonged to private -wners should be leased direct from these owners by the United States authorities. I have been asked to explain that His ..a.jesty's Government feel it very desirable that In this The Honourable, and/ Sumner Viellea, Acting Secretary of State of the United States, Washington, D.C. FRHM:NT:BA 9 L in all similar cases the Colonial Governments concerned should in the first place acquire any privately-owned land and should then complete the transaction "by leasing the land to the united States authorities. The viewB of the British Government on this point have already teen explained informally to the Navy Department who raieed no objection and indeed welcomed this altered procedure, I hope therefore that the suggestion will be equally acceptable to the State Department. If it is greed that this procedure shall be adopted in respect of privately owned lend, a number of minor legal questions affecting the same issue will require to be settled. If it is agreeable to you I would suggest that these matters might be discussed between the legal adviser to this i^bassy, Mr. Poster, and sou.e member of Judge Hackworth's staff. Believe we, Dear ?.r. Acting Secretary, Very sincerely yours, (SCK>) N. U. MBUB