THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY WASH I NGTON HB/EF13-43(400904) November 18, 1940. Serial No.U96l3 - ^ ' 'JL* x My dear Mr. Charge d1Affaires: -zpHt 1 wish to acknowledge the receipt of your note "T/ of November Uth informing me of the agreement between His Majesty's 22>9fJ 3 9/**° Government and the Commission of Government of Newfoundland. I believe the arrangements for the lease of the Naval Base sites have now reached the point where the negotiations should be centered in one Department, in order that all concerned may have one central agency to deal with, and that all information and correspondence relative to these leases may be in one place. I have accordingly referred your note to the Department of State ancTTt is requested that future communications on this matter be addressed to that Department. Sincerely yours, Mr. Nevile Butler, C.V.O., Charge drAffaires ad Interim of Great Britain I