Communication* on this subject should bo uddrcssed to— Tue Under-Secretary ok State, *| Dominions OmOB, Downing Street, London, S.W. 1, an J the fqllowing myt>bvr quoted:— Transmitted by direction of the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs. A copy has also been sent to the Dominions Office, Downing Street, *4 MIT 1936 193 (R:>9£3) Wt 32316/358* 2i\0Q0(l) BU Sift, Alii Ir, I (Jin dlructad tj? :.r» &%or\*tHry Mac Donald to r«f«r to th« latfteW from the Admiralty to this Office of the 7th Wmmbf (*.44£l/36jf a oopjr of »nlcn lb understood to have t^cn sent to the Air Ministry, regarding -iliaatwth i.nd -niddleton Beefs in the .wat«rn iaeific. £• Mr. Mao Donald would le glad to receive any observations which Viscount Swinton may daslra to offwr on ths suggestion that, in vie* Inter alia of ths possl till tor that the T**fM »ejr ba oX *eluo in connexion kit;, trans-i acific air routes, th* Commonwealth Government ex.ould ba asked to take whatever stops are possible to as suae jurisdiction '¦V.i them. Copies of this letter are teing sent to Alii MINlttBX Ifea Foreign Office, Admiralty and th* Colonial X am, Sir, Your most obedient B«r*ant, (atoned) J. E. 3TEPHENSOI