Enclosure No.I. in Western Pacific despatch secret _ ncT of 30th October, 1936. Sfc.GKfc.1. OOl'Y. SUBJECT. Report on Pacific Islands visited by H.M. Ships "Achilles", "•Leith" and "Wellington". From THE COMMODORE OUM ANDING NEW ZEALAND STATION. H.M.S. "DUNEDIN", at Auckland. Date: 14th October, 1936.' No. N.Z. 26/8808. To. The Secretary of-the Admiralty, London. Admiralty signals 2214 of a8th April, 1936; Formers. 2029 of 25th May, 1936; 2030 of 25th Lay. 1936; 1745 of 10th July, 1936 and ^153of 17th July, 1936. Herewith is forwarded one copy of each of the following:- (i) Report of Aerial Survey of Islands visited ny H.M.S. "Achilles". ("Achilles'" No.1585/138 dated 2nd October, 1936). (ii) Report on Islands visited by H.K.S. "Leith" in the Gilbert, Ellice, Phoenix Groups and Nev, Hebrides. (^iUi's" No.001 dated 17th August, 1936, and Mo* 13 dated 25th September, 1936). (iii) Report on Islands visited by KJMU Wellington". ("Wellington's" No.018 dated 25th September, 1936). As a result of a study of the above reports, and with a view to selecting the most probable route ! that an air service connecting New Zealand and Canada should take, the following points stand out* ; S. > ith the present performance of aircraft, I and probably for some year I to come, Honolulu will be an essential port of call for a Transpacific ! service. 4. Between Honolulu and New Zeal&nd there are several possible routes, and as Fiji is the most important group of islands, both commercially and strategically on this line it is considered essential that any British Air Line should call at :,uva (or suitable place near Suva). 5. Between New Zealand and FIJI, there are no suitable ii rbours (Norfolk Island and the lerwadecs j being useless) except possibly Minerva Reefs (vide report of~H.M.S. "AcMiles") which are situated some distance off the direct route. 6. Between Honolulu and Fiji, probably two refuelling bases would be required, as nearly equi- distant as possible, one lying in the Phoenix or Union Groups and one in the kinginan Reef to Christaas Island area. In the former groups there appear to be two possibilities - Hull Island in tiie Phoenix Uroup and Nukunono in the Union or Tokelau Group. Neither of these islands possess an ;*nchorage for ships nor do they possess an inlet, suitable for small craft, into their their lagoons, but from reports it appears that a passage for small craft could be blasted through the reef v,ithd>ut much difficulty, hull Island has a few coral pinnacles in the lagoon which show clearly in the photographs. Nukunono probably has the same drawback but this lagoon was not photographed by "Achilles" owing to the bad weather conditions pre- vailing at the time of her visit. In the latter area, Kingman Reef and Christmas island appear suitable. Kingman Reef is more nearly on the direct route, but Christjnas Island is a British Possession and is probably equally good, if not better, as it is inhabited, and buildings can be erected ashore; wiiereas at Kingman Reef a depot ship would be required. Fanning Island lagoon is apparently much too small to be of any use, without considerable blasting. 7. It is not considered that Samoa, though fairly well placed geographically, has any suitable harbour for use as an air base. 8. The Tonga Group possesses suitable harbours - Nukualofa in particular being ideal. 'Fhe Group is situated about the same distance from New Zealand 1 as Fiji, but lias little commercial value. 9. The conclusion is reached that the best route from New Zealand to Honolulu would run via Suva, hull or Nuk mono, Christmas Island or Kingman Reef. 10. Other xuciflc Islands. The remarks on the other islands visited by H. - 4.- U.H, Ships "i.eith" and "Wellington" are of Interest. It vdll be observed that the. Gilbert and Ellice Islands have several suitable places far flying j bases v,hich, in conjunction *ith the Fiji islands, may be of considerable strategic value in the future, though of no commercial value at present. 11. It is also of interest to note tue remarks of the Comnianding Officer of the "Welling- ton" about Tahitien labour in British Islands, and • it is not unlikely that the same restrictions *ill be applied to Christmas Island in the near future. 12. Copies of these reports are being for- warded to the Naval Board, Wellington, for the fie* Zealand Government and to the High Commissioner for tiie v-estern Pacific. Large scale photographs taken by "Achilles" are being forwarded direct to the Admiralty. 13. It is pointed out tiiat the present Uon&anding officers of Nl*£th* and "Wellington" (Captain Q. Bevir and Commander J.B.E. hall) will be returning to the United Kingdom early in 1937 and will be available to give information on trie majority of the Pacific Islands on toe Wew Zealand tetion vhich they have personally visited. (Signed) E.R. HSIM OW - .;, REAR ADMIRAL. Enclosures 1. "Achillest,; i:o. 1585/138 of and October, 1936. 2. "Leith's" No.001 of 17th August, 1936. K "iieith's* wo. 13 of ii>th Septeiitber. 1936. 4. "Wellington's" No.018 of 25tti September,