further communication on tin-, subject, please quote No. W- /0" X I Cf/^tt/^l and address — not to any ptnon by natnet but/o— " The Under-Secretary of Stale," Foreign Office, tandon, S. W. L CONFIDS.N1F1AJ- THE Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs presents his compliments to bL U~ J~ Jt^C^ sf /2^M f~*L and, by direction of the Secretary of State, transmits herewith cop jbf Foreign Office, , 193 the under -mentioned paper. 26NOV1936 . 0.0. REG* Reference to previous correspondence :~ Description of Enclosure Name and Date. Subject. 2 £ Pitt, Sp. £2. *-jm%19/466/g7j POK. 10* omCE, 8.V.I. 2»rd November, 19S6. vonfidentlal Sir, X an directed by Hr. Secretary rd«n to transmit to you herewith a copy of a letter fro^ tht Acting High Sctv-iieaioner for the Vertern aclflc regarding th* acquisition of certain islanus in the Pacific by the United States Government. 8. I am to request that you will submit any further information of which you aay be in pORtes^ion regarding the activities or intentions of the United states Government in this ¦attar. 3. i i th rtgard to the portion of the 1- tier referring to Ghriettaaa ieland, i aa to add* for your information, that Covenant 1 of the Licence dated the 27th October, 19X4, to Central leciflc ocoanut lantationa Limited, in respect of that Xalund, was his follows;- "That the UlttMN will not a sign or underlet the present "Licence or any interest therein without having first obtained "the consent tiers to In writing of His Majesty's irinci.pal "Secretary of ;tate for the ( oloniea (hereinafter called "The "Secretary of state"). I am, air, Your obedi-nt .:erv«nt, UA.L. Tuson, (Caq. , flls M«j ftty's consul, [onolulu. I