: V Communications on this subject ! should be addressed to— Tub Under SEcitETm of State, Dominions Office, Q Downing Street, | London, S.W.I. and the following ctSAr. dumber quoted : 0649/68 . \J-- SECRET. Dominions Office, Downing Street. Receive" *lj December,1936. Sir, c. o. REGY #0 .122. With reference to the Secret letter from this ( J' / Office No. 6649/44 of the 16th July and connected correspondence, I am directed by Mr. Secretary MacDonald to transmit to you, to be laid before 50th^°v*Mr* Secretary Ormsby Gore, the accompanying copy of a telegram from the Governor General of New Zealand regarding the interest of the United States Government in Christmas Island. 2. Mr, MacDonald would be glad to receive Mr. Ormsby Gore's observations as to the reply to be returned thereto. 3. A similar letter is being sent to the F orei gn Office and the Admiralty and a copy of the correspondence to the Air Ministry. I am, Sir, v Your most obedient servant, THE UNDER SECRETARY OP STATE, COLONIAL OFFICE.