S.S67S7/C.A.1. f7 December, 1956. Dear Mounaey t T'ith reference to the recent investigation of certain Pacific Islands In connection with their possible use a a air b^aea, yon will be Interested to nee the enclosed oopy of a letter, which has been received from oods Rum. h^ry. concerning * claim by the United "tates Government to sovereignty over Christmas Island, which wo understood was definitely part of our Gilbert and Ellice Islands group. You will already have seen that thie suggestion that the Americana are preparing to dispute our sovereignty of Christmas Island has uroueed misgivings in Hew Zealand, and given rise to a telegram to the Dominions Office, a copy of which waa sent to your Department on the 3rd instant, under Dominions Office reference w« 6640/68* W# hope that it oan be established without doubt that this island is definitely under British sovereignty, as there oan be no question as to its future im ortance in connection with any British service that may be established aorosa the Pacific. I am eending copies of this letter to Batterbee and ^huckhurgh- Yours sincerely. sir 3eorge Kounsey, K.C. Foreign Office, S.W.I. 3., C.B., O.B.R. ,