air, X am directed by Mr. Secretary Ormaby Qovm to refer to the letter from the committee of Imperial Defence No.ID/d/8 of the 30th of June, enclosing copies of an extract from the Minutes of the Ueeting of the Committee held on the 17th of June regarding the stratoglo i*portfince of the Pacific Islands, and to request that, if Kr. secretary Macoonald agrees* oomruunications may now be addressed to His Majesty's Governments in the Commonwealth of .uatralia and in Mew Zealand, inviting them to nominate representa- tives to attend the meetings of the Inter-Depart- mental Committee which has been appointed to consider the position as regards unattached islands in the southern Pacific area. S. It will be recalled that the Committee's terms of reference are as follows:— "To TBS 3^CKST/\HY OF D0MIRION3 OFFIOI. "To consider the position as regards * unattached Islands in the Southern Pacific | area, with particular reference to the needs of defence and of oivil aviation, and to recommend what aotion, if any, should be taken in regard to them by Hie Majesty's Government in the united Kingdom** 9* Copies of this letter are being sunt to the Committee of Imperial Defence, Treasury. Foreign office. Admiralty, and Air Ministry* I am, •to t Your most obedient servant,