¦F^ 21 -September, 1938. 13/5164/58. SECRST. Sip, v With reference to Air Ministry letter Mo. S.45865/A.D.C.0. II of the 16th of September, I am directed by Mr. Secretary MacDonald to request you to inform the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs that Mr* KaoDonald sees no objection to the proposal that His Majesty*s Government in New Zealand should be requested to take early steps to surrey and demarcate alighting areas for aircraft at Christmas and Hull Islands, or to the proposal that this work should be undertaken before the survey of Route A referred to in Lord Oalway's Secret despatch of the 20th of May last. h 2. Mr. MacDonald is considering what action can be taken to give effect to the ether recommendations ¦ made by the Secretary of State for Air on the subject of Christmas Island. 3. T5iE UNDER SECRETARY OF STAR, DOMINIONS OFFICE. Z. Copies of this letter are being forwarded to the Foreign Office, AdairaXty and Air Ministry. I a»f Sir, Your moat obedient servant, (Signed) J. A. C