F.720/172. 6 E 0 R s T. ^ December, iy3d. Bear Jacob, With reference to 0. D.C. paper Wo. 1635, on the subject of the strategic importance of the Pacific Islands, our general view is that it would be desirable that the proposed meeting of representstires of the United :ingdo«# the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand should consider, not only any defence questions arising in connection with the .'aclfic islands, but also possible action 1 in relation to United State* activities in the .-'aclfic and the suggested conference between His ' ajesty's Governments concerned and the United states Government to discuss the Vx * tiuestion of reciprocal air facilities. ""4,""-,-^w >ve asaune that the other epartments concerned, and particularly the Foreign office, the colonial Office and the Air ministry, will make sug estions as to detailed ¦attars which might be raised on behalf of the United Kingdom Government at the proposed me-ting, and at this stage we do not wish ourselves to put forward any suggestions. The last head mentioned in the first paragraph of this letter relates to civil aviation rather than defence. MAJC* 1.1.0, JACOB. The The main point of importance In this connection would sera to be that a rttish Commonwealth company should be available, whenever required, to lodge an application with the Jnlted States Jovernment for landing facilities in Islands under their sovereignty. Consideration of thiB Question would appear to be primarily for the Imperial Air Communications Committee (presided over by Sir Warren Fisher) or a Sub-Committee of that Committee. §i are writing to the Air kinietry putting this suggestion, and, pending receipt of the views of Sir v/arren Fisher's Committee, we as&ume that this sapeot of the preparations wlli not come up at the oversea defence Committee. -1-