Committee of Imperial Pefencb, V Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. With ilie Secretary's Compliments. COPY. i>lat DMM^Tg 1*39. aeference the Agenda for Xh* proposed Conference on gt-eations concerning the Pacific Islands inaued with 0.^,J. ulnute So. S29t I ••auats that brief* for the United Kin-do* represent*tiv<*a will be provided by the D^parWienta concerned, and X am ta«.iri£ no action in the matter. i am •endin? copies of thia letter to lialfour of the foreign Office, .'rith of the Vtar Office, :ierbertao» of the Air lniatry ani Acheaoo of the Colonial Office. ->i*on » .0.,