. -D.0-.3a. SECRET * ¦ Xo. r, 73o Subject: Reference to previous correspondence: With the compliments of ^ A copy has also been sent to Dominions Office, Downing Street, 103 29 CBM89) Wt ltttt/MCT 20.4JMH) 7/30 V 26 DEC 1938 -•ear Foster, M have been thinking over the S-^&geotlon made at the meeting of tne ?eroca iJefence Corral t tee on the 12tu i*>cember tuat the 'Jolted Mogdon representatives at the proposed oo. Terence wit:i :iew Zealand and tne Ossssonwealth of .ustralia on acific Islands questions might include the Conraodore in command of t.e r.en Saaland station and tne Group Captain, Royal Air Force, attached to the New Zealand Air Force. vhilc there might not in this case be constitutional objections to this course, we are inclined to think that there niifcht veil be practical difficulties, and we understand that the colonial ffice snare our views* As you know, the New Zealand Chiefs of Staff nave Just put to the nigh Ccaeoissioner for tne ;eetern Pacific certain suggestions as to the defence of tne r-aclfic Islands* Details have not yet been received but, woen tney are obtained, it is quite possible possible that it raig/it be taou^nt desirable to put forward at tiie conference comments on tae suggestions from toe United Kingdom point of view and conceivably also to suggest taat N«r Zealand might aaoist financially in the measures proposed. It would be very awkward if officers whot although they belong to our services, were at tne time in the service of tne New Zealand Government, i*ad to take port in discussions of this nature as representatives of toe United Kingdom Government. It occurs to us that a possible alternative which would avoid these difficulties might be to suggest to the New Zealand Government toat taese officers should attend tne conference as expert advisers* whose technical advice would be available to tike United xingden Government or to the Haw Zaaland Government (or to the Conraonwealth Government also if they desired to nave the benefit of it). If this could be arranged* it snould be possible for tie chief United Kingdom representative at t ie conference to convey to the two officers any views which Service Departments ..ere might wish aim to communicate to them. I I have mentioned this idea to Grover who thougnt tnat there would be no objection to such a procedure from the Admiralty point of view* Could you let me know how the Air ministry regard the idea? I am sending copiea of thi3 letter to Jacob, Grover and Acneson* Yours sincerely*